What is an Assessment?
An assessment is a coaching opportunity for a referee and are required annually for current regional referees and any new potential referees looking to upgrade to a regional level. Assessments are done by a referee mentor or a referee coach and are designed to help referees improve by giving them practical constructive criticism and positive encouragement.
At the referees request through registering and paying the State Referee Committee (SRC) for the assessment in advance via OMS, the State Director of Assessment (sda@pawest-soccer.org) will assign a certified referee mentor or referee coach(assessor) to observe the referee on an affiliated match.
After the match, the referee crew and the referee mentor or referee coach will discuss the match in a conversational setting. A written form of the conversation will be submitted through our Official Management System (OMS) to the referee for their records. Upon completion of the assessment the SRC will pay the referee mentor or referee coach the appropriate match fee. The assigned assessor will be based on requirements needing to be met.
How do I become a Referee Coach or Referee Mentor to perform assessments?
In order to become a Referee Coach or Referee Mentor, visit https://www.pawest-soccer.org/referee-mentors-coaches/.
When is an assessment required?
Whenever a referee is upgrading from a Regional to a National level referee (upgrade assessment).
Every year for Regional and National Referees (maintenance assessment).
National candidates require several assessments conducted by national assessors.
Please e-mail our State Director of Assessment for more details at sda@pawest-soccer.org.